Spacewalk, Hall of Fame & Dora

To start with, welcome back and hello to the new listeners, we hope everyone is having fun and taking care of themselves. So this week we find out that NASA forgot to pack enough clothes for the astronauts and that by doing this we failed to see history being made. That’s right folks, we had the first all-female space-walk in history planned and someone messed up. We roast the folks at NASA for messing this up. Hopefully it will be able to happen next time and become a regular practice. Also for those in Brisbane the Queensland Museum has an exhibit of space suits and other items to spend some time dreaming over.  Next up we look at the latest on this year’s Video Game Hall of Fame nominations, some are looking good and one is surprising. We take a look at the games already in the Hall and try to find out which is the favourite. Unfortunately Leisure Suit Larry isn’t on the list, neither was there any of the Police Quest, Space Quest or Outrun for Buck. Oh to be so old and to have played so many games as our resident geriatric. Lastly we review the new movie coming out for Dora the Explorer and try to figure out if it is working out to be great or just another in a long line of failures. One thing though is Danny Trejo is involved and we don’t think he has a machete in this movie. Oh well, I guess it is safe for kids to watch then. As usual we have the regular list of shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events of interest. As usual we have a lot of fun bringing you this latest episode of mayhem, so settle in with a cup of earl grey and a biscuit while we bring you some of the news this week in Nerd pop culture. Remember, take care of each other and stay hydrated.

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