Let’s Get Dangerous


'Let's Get Dangerous' is a podcast about dangerous activities and whether or not you should do them.

Feel like swimming with sharks? Fancy a munch on the Carolina Reaper? Maybe you'd like to clone dinosaurs on an island off the coast of Costa Rica? Wade through the pros and cons alongside two guys with no credentials or expertise. They have a lot of charm though, and isn't that KIND of a credential? (We are legally and morally obliged at this point to say that, no, charm is not a substitute for any kind of actual credentials.)

Comedian Stephen Denham first met actor Matthew Caffoe at the 21st birthday party of a mutual friend - a party Caffoe would infamously ruin by doing an unprompted twenty-minute beat-boxing performance in lieu of a speech. Nonetheless, the two became fast friends and have joined forces over a decade later to host this podcast. They'll make you laugh. They'll make you think. They hope their podcast doesn't stink. Are you ready? Let's get dangerous.

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