Episode 37: Red Dead Redemption 2, Subterranean drones & Live Action Aladdin

In the latest episode the Professor talks to us about the Crunch time the developers put into finishing Red Dead 2, and we discuss the realities of 100 hour work weeks. The discussion evolves to including 4 day work weeks and the world’s demands for everyone to work harder. It may sound like a heavy topic but it is important to be aware of what is happening and take care of your health; also there are some funny points when Buck starts to ramble and carry on (the old fart).

Next topic is how an Australian team is developing drones for use in mapping subterranean areas for exploration and rescue. This is so cool and Buck is excited about the entire concept, particularly the fact it employs LIDAR technology as opposed to RADAR to avoid the complications inherent in sound wave technology.

DJ brings us news about the live action Aladdin remake from Disney, and gives us the trailer and the cast list also. It won’t be the same without Robin Williams as the Genie, but hopefully it will be great. The Professor and Buck are sceptical about the movie, particularly with who is playing the Genie. Buck is hoping the music won’t be changed. Let us know what you think about it and what your favourite Robin Williams movie was.

Once again thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy what we do, if there is a particular topic you would like us to discuss drop us a line and we will see what we can do. If you have any requests of any kind or suggestions we are always glad to hear from you, we are on Twitter and a range of social media, otherwise, catch you later on the next exciting episode.

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