Russians, Komodo & Apps

Welcome back, we have another fun episode for you all this week. First up we have an absolute idiot in Russia insulting adult comic book readers. Now, we must apologise for the response to this segment, we Nerds love our comics and really enjoy reading them. As fans we love the artwork, the complexity of the stories, the downright fun of it all, and the insane gadgets that end up becoming a reality. Although we are still waiting to see the Fantastic 4’s flying car. Now things get heated in this as you might expect, but wow, you will love this. Would you like to learn more?

Next up we have Australian Dragons and their last surviving cousins living overseas. For all those people who have decided to live abroad after they finish university you aren’t the first. Oh no, not even close. You are a few thousand years behind these guys. Now as typical Aussies they like to relax over a nice steak; enjoy a bit of time in the sun, and when they get angry fighting like a legend. Just in case you are wondering who we are talking about it is the, yeah nah. You will need to listen in to find out.

Do you wish you could go play certain games you had on an old phone but are having trouble finding it? Perhaps it is a game on a friend’s phone and no matter how hard you look you just never seem to know where they got it from. Well things are about to get worse, because Infinity Blade are no longer supporting some of their games. So, better check out what this means for that bundle of games you have in your library and read those acknowledged agreements and game licences. Are you freaking out? Well listen in to find out what is happening before it is too late.

As usual we have the shout outs, remembrances, birthdays and special events of interest. We would like to say thank you to all the awesome fire fighters battling the numerous bush fires raging around Australia. For all those people who have lost homes, businesses, jobs and all those things that make a life we hope you are safe. As always, stay safe, look out for each other and stay hydrated.

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Episode 42: Sailor Moon, Black Mesa, Cat's tongues and the answer to life, the universe and everything

So, here we are again, that’s right the latest episode from the goofballs at Nerds Amalgamated is here. This week we have the DJ impersonating Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, and no the only jackass is Buck. The first topic is the upcoming release of a new series of Sailor Moon, such an awesome series. Also it is interesting that anime has so many series and movies with a strong female lead and yet Hollywood struggles to do the same. 

            The Professor has news about the new Half-life game which has been 14 years in the making. It is looking sweet, so I guess we might be hearing more about it. We also talk about the fact that there were different variations of Half-life released origionally due to the violent nature of the game. Except Singapore where it was apparently banned due to excessive violence (So many lines I could use here to). This leads into one our trademark tangential conversation about different games and various factors that we interesting.

            For the cat lovers Buck has news about a new brush for grooming your moggy or tabby and the science behind it. That’s right, science has been employed to help groom cats, and Buck found it interesting. You will be hanging on the edge of your seats either with excitement or fear that cats are taking over the world. Buck says don’t worry on that score as the Penguins won’t allow it.

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