Valve Index, Masters of the Universe & Crew Dragon

The Nerds are back, proving that 107 episodes just isn't too much for the human body to handle.

This week, the Professor has a complaint about that saintly game developer, Valve. What's his problem with Gabe and the multi award winning game studio? They're sold out of VR headsets with only a month to go before the release of Half Life: Alyx.

The Masters of the Universe are coming back as well. The Professor has another complaint, this time about the casting of Skeletor. He thinks it's ridiculous to bring back Skeletor's original voice in a different role and cast a new actor for Skeletor. Even if that actor is the esteemed Mark Hamill. DJ thinks this sacrilege is 100% ok. The star studded cast list has the Nerds highly excited for this revival.

Now that Dragon has been human rated, SpaceX have moved the capsule to the launch pad, and the crew are a pair of former Shuttle pilots. This will be the first manned space mission from the US since the Shuttle program was shut down. America Can Into Space? Soon, hopefully.

Professor and DJ have some trouble pronouncing American Indian and Finnish words in the Remembrances and Shoutouts, and laugh at the Boomers who couldn't believe Bill and Ted actually speak like that.

Stay hydrated and come hang out with us again next week.

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2019 Supernova review featuring Shaun from Comics2Movies

Roll up, roll up, roll up, or if you are in Queensland and melting in this heat wash up instead. Wow, this week we have an awesome and exciting show full of fun and laughter for you to enjoy. We also have a special guest joining us to recap the fabulous Supanova Brisbane!!! That’s right folks, Supanova again (we need Kermit the Frog here running off waving his hands). We talk about some of the cool things we saw, some of the things that made us laugh, and why Buck seems to fear lycra, although to be fair it is a valid point.

We also announce the winner of the Nerdy Bag of holding competition. Congratulations to Jessica on winning our inaugural Supanova competition. We hope to have it again next year so, make sure you listen to get involved, also next year we will make entry available for our international listeners. Now I can give you no more spoilers or teasers on this week’s episode as there is just sooooo much to look forward to other then yes, Buck did argue with some people at Supanova.

Oh, we do have the games being played, the regular shout outs, remembrances, birthdays and special events for the week. We also wish to give a special thank you to some awesome people, the legends at Sons of Obiwan, the heroes at SuperTee, and the Rockstar Shaun at Comics2Movies, they all contributed gear to the Nerdy Bag of Holding. Thank you so much for helping to make this happen. Also a huge thank you to the all-powerful Podfather (All hail the Podfather) for helping us be at Supanova and the Baroness for all her hard work in organizing the event, also her patience when we were misbehaving like little boys with all the excitement.

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Mandalorian, Wormholes & Two Shitties

Welcome back to another fun filled episode from those irascible Nerds we all look forward to each week. Oh, and what a show we have for you all, let me tell you. What, hurry up you say, well then. First up we have DJ giving us an update on the Marvel movies failing to impress and the arguments have continued. This week we have some delusional moron, believe me you will agree that they are a moron when you hear what they have done. Oh right, well this delusional moron says what has got to be the dumbest thing and the biggest lie in history. It sets Buck off like all the fireworks for New Year’s Eve in one go. My goodness, he really tears into this one like nothing before. If you listen in just to hear him rant about some misguided fool then you will love this one, plus you might learn a few new insults.

Next up, after he catches his breathe Buck tells us about how some scientists believe they have figured out how to identify the existence of Wormholes. That’s right we said Wormholes. Those supposed mythical sci-fi tunnels through time and space purportedly linking us to the farthest reaches of the universe? Multiverse? Dimensional gateways? Well who knows, the gravity is more then we can fathom at this time. But it is something to do with that….Ahh, almost had me there. You will have to listen in to hear what and how the physicists think they can determine whether or not a wormhole exists.

Then we move to a legendary tale for inspiration in what we have crappily dubbed “A Tale of Two Shitties!” Sorry, couldn’t resist the sloppy pun, messy though it is, haha, that just plopped out. Anyway, we look at two epically bad mistakes from two different games studios and have a laugh and cry at the stupidity and hubris involved. These tales of woe and calamity are similar but different, and for one we will cheer and hope. The other we will jeer and poke, fun of naturally. Now, since we have you so excited to know this tale of misfortune we invite ye to listen further to the tale in yonder episode.

Finishing off as always with the regular shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and special events of interest. We also wish to invite you all to come join us at Supanova in Brisbane on Saturday 9th November. We do not have the faintest idea of which table we will be at, other than it is the TNC productions booth. So come along and say hi, join us in our game and meet the goofballs that are the Nerds. As always take care of yourselves, look out for each other and stay hydrated.

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Egyptian, XCloud & Coppola

Hooray, it is episode 90 and all is well. This week we walk like Egyptians, question the cloud, and applaud Francis Coppola. But first up, have you got your tickets for Supanova Brisbane? Not long to go now. We are excited for it and are looking forward to watching all the awesome cosplayers and other amazing antics happening on the Saturday. Stop by and say hi if you are there.

Now first up we have news about the most incredible discovery of Egyptian sarcophagi of this millennium, the best in the last century also. Now, we have to say that it is due to a very sneaky priest who hid them to avoid the thieving grave robbers. So, thank you wise priest with your cunning plan. Because of you these remains are safe and will be protected at the new museum being built at Gaza. There were males, females, and children in these sarcophagi, if you want to know more listen in.

Next up we talk about a cloud. Not the soft fluffy kind you see floating through the sky, no, this is an xcloud. What is an xcloud you ask? It is a cloud that is brought to you by xbox and is intended to support mobile gaming with a cross platform goal in the long term. Sounds awesome right, you will finally be able to see the xbox tribe battle against the Playstation civilisation. Not that I’m biased mind you (Playstation rules). If you want to really get a grasp of the situation the Professor has a lot to say about it. So listen in and see what is happening.

Now, for the movie Nerds we have had Francis Coppola slamming Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy as being kind of boring and pointless. To which James Gunn has taken umbrage, and spoken out claiming all sorts of nonsense. Buck takes great offense and gives a passionate response which is worthy of an Oscar Hall of Fame speech. Truly he seems to struggle to remain calm at times. Truly this could be one of his better grumpy old man moments, especially as it gets Professor to become passionate on the subject. If nothing else this is worthy of a listen.

As normal we have the shout out’s, remembrances, birthdays and special events of interest for the week. Also we would like to say good luck to all those undertaking exams at this time, study hard, and do well. Remember, fear is the mind killer, and stress is a by-product of fear, so relax, just think of the Frodo waking up in Rivendell at the end of the Lord of the Rings. That is the joy when you finish your last exam. Until next week, take care of yourselves, look out for each other, and stay hydrated.

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Chemistry, Update & Dragons

Ready for a party in your ears from those wacky Nerds again? This week we are celebrating, scratching our chins in suspicion, and looking at upcoming events that we can use to make money. But first, grab a cup of Earl Grey, hot, get a comfy seat and get ready because we have a party. It’s here, that marvellous time of year when we find out who has won a noble prize! It’s awesome, kind of like a Nerds holiday celebrating knowledge and learning, yay! For those wondering Buck is bouncing around the office with excitement. Speaking of which, his topic this week is the Nobel prize winners in Chemistry, and it is for the Lithium Ion battery. A long time coming we know, but still, it is definitely worthy. Buck is still reading the lists and articles about this, and the Professor is enjoying this to.

Next up we have DJ telling us about the latest with him doing little, erm, um, oh, sorry. Apparently it is about the new Dolittle movie, not him being lazy. Now there are some interesting points in this section so make sure you listen carefully. We won’t give away all the details here, no, listen in and see what is happening. We can tell you there is a name change, and no, it isn’t DJ being rebranded to some funny name such as Purveyance Slave Droid. Mainly because he still hasn’t learned how to make the perfect cup of Earl Grey.

Next we hear how someone has had an epically lucky coincidence when naming their crowd funding campaign. We are told it is completely unintentional though. Although Buck thinks that this is the next generation of Citizen Con, sorry, Star Con, no, what is it, star rippoff? Oh you know what we mean. Anyway, this bloke was trying to raise capital for a game he was developing and listen in to hear the rest of this fantastic story.

As usual we have the shout outs, with special mention to Christina Koch and Jessica Meir, the first all female spacewalk crew. Then we have the usual remembrances, birthdays and special events. We are going to be appearing at Supanova Brisbane so stop by and say hello, we will be happy to see you, also we have a special announcement this next week. Until then, take care of yourselves, look out for each other and stay hydrated.

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Archives, Electronics & Vikings

Welcome back to another awesome episode of Nerd pop culture delivered in a friendly manner by those loose gooses, the Nerds. This week we would like to say that since China hasn’t offered us any money to sell our self-respect or virtue that we support the protestors in Hong Kong. Viva la revolution! Now if we do not have an episode in the near future you know that they took us out like Hillary Clinton helps her opposition to have fatal accidents… Just going to leave this here and see who comes after us first.

Now onto the episode, first up is the Professor with a look at the Australian Video Game Archive. What is this you ask, well it is an amazingly cool idea and we hope it gets sorted out soon. Now if you love playing awesome games, love Australia, and are just a tragic nerd like our boys then you will love this. To know exactly what it is you are going to have to listen in and find out. But let us know on Facebook what game you think should go into the archive.

Next up we have finally achieved printed electronics that you can wear. That’s right, wear. Are you tired of not being able to hold your torch and need an extra hand, but don’t want to wear one of those straps around your head with a light on it? We have the solution for you, tattoo light systems. Want to stand out in the crowd and really be noticed? We can help you shine a light on your darkest corners. Sounds interesting right? Well listen up as this is our second featured topic for the week.

Do you wish that reality television had more things like axe throwing in it? Are you tired of shows like survivor where there is no chance of them dying? Well we have a show that is moving in the right direction, True Viking! The show with the potential to form a crew and going pillaging in a foreign monastery… um, maybe we are getting carried away here, oh well, it sounds better than the sewage from the Kardashians. This is our third topic of the week.

Then we have the games played, shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and special events. We hope you enjoy the show and that we entertain you and maybe even educate you on some of the topics we discuss. Now, we need to watch out for those Chinese hack…er um, gamers with better computer systems. Take care, stay safe, look out for each other and stay hydrated.

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A Nerds Special - An Interview with An Aspie Life developer : Bradley Hennessey

Welcome to another fun filled instalment from the Nerds we all love. This week we have a fantastic special episode. We have a special guest join us and talk about their game and being a game developer. That’s right our guest has developed and published a computer game, entitled “An Aspie Life” and it is a lot of fun. Our guest is up and coming legend Bradley Hennessey and we ask those hard hitting questions that others are too scared to ask. If you want to know his choice of super power or the answer to cape or no cape you will need to listen in.

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Comets, He-Man & DayZ

Welcome back for another amazing episode from the Nerds, it is full of fun stuff, amazing science, and some crazy stuff. We hope as always that you enjoy it and perhaps by accident or intentionally learn something cool. I remember when I found out about chemistry, It was a long, long way from here, I was old enough to want it but younger than I wanted to be, Suddenly my mission was clear… All about chemistry. OK, I know that is the song Chemistry by Semisonic, but it relates to our first topic from Buck, which is all about chemistry and producing oxygen on Mars, Comets, and interplanetary space travel. That’s right we are one step closer to science fiction becoming reality once more. Honestly, where would the world be without science, science fiction, or Nerds to think up the impossible dreams? Although we must apologise for the zombie apocalypse resulting from the advancements in technology; otherwise known as reality television, social media, or just uncontrollable gaming. But, all that aside scientist have found a way to change carbon-dioxide (CO2) into beautiful oxygen (O2). That’s right, you heard us correctly, and it doesn’t involve a chemical scrubber like those currently used on submarines. No, this alters the very nature of the chemical bonds on a molecular level in a whole new way.

By the power of Greyskull, someone has the power. That’s right folks, He-Man is coming back to our screens in the near future it seems. DJ has brought us news that a new extension to the story of He-Man is in the works, he says it is an anime, but we aren’t sold. But it is exciting that it appears to not be a rebirth or re-imagining. But then again that is those weirdos over at Disney doing all the remakes, except for the unfortunate incident with She-Ra. Whoever is responsible for that fiasco is a greater villain than Skeletor and Hordak combined. Seriously, it was traumatic to see what had happened there. With the contentiousness of is it going to be able to claim the title of an anime aside, He-Man is looking promising.

Next we have the Professor bringing us news about the censorship of a few games in Australia and the impact that is having on the world. Now we normally don’t agree with a lot of the issues in censorship, or Material Ratings as they are referred to, but this time there is some merit. This topic is one in which the Nerds have a heated debate, and Buck really gets fired up, DJ gets angry and the Professor needs a whip and chair to keep them apart. So if you feel strongly about the topic of censorship this might be a poignant topic for you. We apologise if we offend anyone during this section (I know we don’t normally, but hey). Let us know what you think on the matter, is Buck an old fart that needs to be exhibited in a museum, is the DJ taking the matter too light, is it somewhere in between (like the Professor).

As always we have the games played this week, which is looking interesting. Also the weekly shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events of interest. As always stay safe, look out for each other and stay hydrated.

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