Punk Goes Pop!

In this week's episode of Shuffology, our Shuffologists, Asabi Goodman and Josh Daveta, are joined by TNC Producer Zane C Weber and construct a playlist of their favourite punk pop songs of the early 2000s.

EPISODE NOTES: This week's theme is punk pop, and our Shuffologists, along with TNC Producer, Zane Webber (filling in for the lovely Liam), discuss the songs from this genre that get their hearts racing! Focusing on the early 2000s (mostly), these songs are kitschy, catchy, and full of life (with a little pinch of disdain for the authority). From Fall Out Boy to Good Charlotte to Avril Lavigne, the gang recount the memories and histories behind some of the best songs in the early century. Asabi introduces her "Scale of Singability," and in the "Issa Flop" segment, Sk8r Boi, Pretty Fly for a White Guy, and Five Colours in Her Hair all get nods.

Episode 10 Playlist:

I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy

She's My Winona - Fall Out Boy

Complicated - Avril Lavigne

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

All the Small Things - Blink 182

The Middle - Jimmy Eat World

Lifestyles of The Rich & Famous - Good Charlotte

I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco

This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy

Misery Business - Paramore

All Star - Smash Mouth

The Bad Touch - The Bloodhound Gang

The Anthem - Good Charlotte

Mr. Brightside - The Killers

Motivation - Sum 41

Issa Flop:

Pretty Fly for a White Guy - Offspring

Five Colours in Her Hair - McFly

Sk8r Boi - Avril Lavigne

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