Gushing Ink and Bleeding Eyes

The angels venture deeper into the hidden Peruvian temple - but what secret lies at the end of its booby-trapped halls, and can they stop the Collector from claiming what she came for? Charles gets the point. Harahel soaks it all in. Rose speedruns the level. Dima grabs a coffee.

Earthly Treasures is an Actual Play podcast of Relics: A Game of Angels, a roleplaying game about fallen angels trapped on earth, abandoned by God and desperate for answers.

You can find out more on Or find us on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram

Players: Lois Spangler, Jake Nelson, Cody Smith, Andrew Chirgwin, Jess

Voice of the Rules and designer of Relics: Steve Dee

Relics is live on Kickstarter now. You can also find out more on

Players: Lois Spangler, Jake Nelson, Cody Smith, Andrew Chirgwin

Dealer: Ethan Cox

Voice of the Rules and designer of Relics: Steve Dee