Antisocial Medea (with Christopher Demos)

We’ve cashed in a few favours to score an interview with Hollywood’s biggest unsung villain, Medea.

Guest: Christopher Demos (Insta: @christopherdemos or @lechrisdemos Twitter: @lechrisdemos)

Catch Isabella’s show, “How Far I’ll Go” in Melbourne Fringe

Talking Points: UDLs vs Cruisers/ Murder as a love language/ The fine points fratricide/ Why all pop songs sound the same/ Where is copyright when you need it/ Boiled father figures/ You’ve got to flee when you got the fleece/ The toxic fashion industry/ Is it even love if no-one died?/ Disney gets a lot of things wrong/ Saving Andromeda/ Jason had it coming

Know who we should interview next? Contact us!

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Got an idea for who you’d like to see on the show next? Tweet at us on @fairiespod

Check all of the other podcasts on That’s Not Canon Productions

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