Parade with Jess Ham

This week we chat with Jess Ham about which of life's truths can be gleaned from Jason Robert Brown’s historical and intensely emotional musical - Parade!

"Southern extended families are prone to telling stories and so are Jewish ones.  Mine was both, so I got a double dose.  I grew up hearing about the quirks of distant relatives, in-laws, and a whole network of people I didn't know.  They all came with stories attached. But nobody mentioned Leo Frank.  Some of the family even walked out of the room if the name came up.  I found this confusing, because I knew that my Great Uncle Sig had been his employer, and Lucille Frank  was my grandmother's friend. Due to this hush-hush policy, I developed a fascination for the case, which has lasted all these years and which led to the idea for Parade."  -ALFRED UHRY 


Wiki - Musical, Leo Frank, Alfred Uhry




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Our theme song and interstitial music all by the one and only Benedict Braxton Smith. Find out more about him at

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